In this episode of the Bonfire Babes Podcast we explore the world of feeling unworthy. You'll hear why we think so many women deal with this problem and we share with you our own personal journeys with unworthiness. Our examples cover both relationships and motherhood issues. We also leave you with tools to help you remember your own worth.
This episode is great for anyone who has ever felt as if they were not enough. We hope that after listening to this episode, you are able to dig deep into your soul and rediscover your worth.
Here are 5 ways to start treating yourself more kindly...
1. Take care of your body.
Listen to what your body needs, not just what it wants but what it needs to function at it's highest vibration. Get restful sleep, move your body and fuel it with nutritious foods.
2. Ask yourself, "Is this right for me?" "Is this serving me?"
Often we commit to things that aren't even good for us, we put ourselves and our needs behind others. Putting ourselves first takes real discipline but we really need to start loving ourselves.
3. Acknowledge your strengths.
We tend to always notice and point out our faults. Bring focus to the things we do in each day that exude love and kindness. The more we focus on that goodness, the more we can attract.
4. Use loving language.
Pay attention to the things you say to yourself. Have you used any of these sayings lately?:
I'm so stupid. I knew I would fail. I can't believe I thought I could... I hate myself. I don't deserve...
Would you say these phrases to a child? Or to someone you respected? We must learn to respect ourselves enough to use loving language and give ourselves some grace when we fail.
5. Feel gratitude.
Gratitude is an amazing magnet for more positivity in life. When we really focus our lens on gratitude, we are able to open our walls to more possibilities. Be open to other's acts of kindness. Learn how to take compliments, often we brush aside kind comments from others. Show gratitude and allow that to help you move forward in your day with more love.
Daily Affirmation: I acknowledge my worth; I am overflowing with love.
Practice this daily affirmation for 30 days and share how it affects your life! Once you believe in this affirmation, create a new one! Affirmations are POWERFUL at changing our thought patterns. Using them can actually alter your brain to start believing in them AND can actually make it more easy for you to think positive thoughts!